Stephanie Micale

I have been dancing at All Star since I was three years old and can safely say I am so grateful to be teaching in the place I get to call my second home.

I have always had a passion for dancing which turned into a passion for teaching and creating a safe, welcoming, and fun environment for kids to learn in. I hope to inspire the next generation of dancers and help them to form a love of dance similar to the one I have, whilst teaching them the correct technique and fundamental life skills to ensure they succeed in all areas of their life.

I have completed all of my cstd exams in jazz, tap and ballet and achieved my teachers accreditation in 2020. Throughout the years I have also competed in various competitions and conventions.

I have been teaching Ready Set Dance for three years and am now proud to be a Gold Level teacher. I am currently in my fourth year of studying a Bachelor of Education and think its safe to say teaching is my passion!

I am beyond excited for what this year will bring and can’t wait for another year of creating memories that will last a lifetime.